Friday, December 23, 2011

Fun Friday Finds- Turtle Calls & Teach Me How to Dobby

I spent last weekend in St. Louis with a friend. I guess I mentioned last Friday that I had been over there, but that was for work. The weekend was time for me to relax and hang out with friends that live in the area.

Back in the day, people would relax by sitting around, chatting, maybe playing cards or something. In this day and age, we sit around, chat, and find awesome things on the internet. Yes, I will be sharing some of those today. These may be very strange to you, or really nerdy… that’s ok. I think that they are all funny, and it really matters most that I’m amused, right?

Turtle Calls. Yes, you read it right, turtle calls. You can pay this guy to call someone you know and act like a turtle. Intrigued? You should be! He is America’s Turtle Call Leader. You may be wondering, do you consider a turtlecall a prank call? Don’t worry, they have answered this question one the website: “no, it is a friendship call and it is meant to make a smile happen and not an aggravated face” In fact, I think the holidays are a perfect time of year for you to send a turtlecall and show them you care!
Not interested in turtle calls? That’s ok because this website will also do CheadleCalls. What’s a Cheadlecall you ask? Well I think the website definition is the best way to explain a cheadlecall. “A cheadlecall is a special turtlecall where I will call and pretend to be a turtle pretending to be don cheadle, who is a famous actor in American movies like hotel Rwanda.” I know you are intrigued after reading that. The good news: he records all his turtlecalls and cheadlecalls for your listening pleasure. Enjoy!

You know the dance craze, The Dougie, but this is even better. For those Harry Potter Fans out there, you will love this video:  Teach Me How to Dobby! Favorite line: Butter beer so you know this is lastin’ all night!

For some die hard fanst of Harry Potter, the Teach Me How to Dobby video may no have completely filled your HP fix for the day. Don’t worry, here’s a funny little video for you to know more about the houses. WhichHouse Are You? I always feel so sorry for the Hufflepuffs.
Hope these links can give you some entertainment over the holidays!
Listening to The Kooks.

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