Tuesday, August 19, 2008

You can have your cake and eat it too...

I baked a cake. Yellow cake with fudge frosting. It is amazing. I told someone about it and they told me that they didn’t believe me. Why would I bring up the fact that I made a cake if I didn’t actually make one?!? They said “ha ha… if you mean bought when you say baked then I believe you. You just don’t seem like the domestic type” Um, no, I mean I baked an effing cake. This is stupid to be annoyed with, but I’m not bad at baking and I have no clue why someone would assume I’m not domestic just because I don’t walk around wearing an apron with flour all over myself. This certainly means that I’m not interested in sharing my cake though. I know it sounds really bitter, but I just don’t feel like I should have to prove my baking abilities to people. I don’t go around telling people that I’m an amazing baker… it’s even more funny because I’m getting defensive about a cake that I made from a box mix. I usually bake from scratch and when people say something, I don’t even care, but I think this was the cake that broke the fat girl’s scale. I kept thinking about the wonderful cake all day while I was at work and how I wasn’t going to share it with anyone. Sure, I’m resentful. Not only that, I will make sure that person doesn’t get any holiday cookies either.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Weddings are the new trend? How about crack instead...

A lot of my friends are getting married lately. Well I guess I should correct that. A lot of my acquaintances are getting married. A lot of my friends are still single (thank goodness). Here’s my issue with the whole “getting married” thing: People look at me like I should be getting to that stage in my life and that I should be settling down with that special someone. That I should stop having ice cream and wine for dinner and start cooking casseroles or something. I wouldn’t call myself trendy, but I’m willing to join in if I think something is worth while. The thing with this trend is that I am not the only one to decide that I can be a part of this. It takes more than one person to make this choice. I’m all about jumping on that band wagon if I found the right person. That’s the issue… can’t find the right person. Why can’t my friends get into some other trend, like crack? That’s something I can buy into! I mean sure, it’s going to be an expensive habit, but at least everyone can be a part of it. Everyone can snort some lines and be a part of the cool crowd. Not only that, crack doesn’t make me plan a giant ceremony that everyone dreads going to just to watch me dress up and kiss someone. Nope, crack lets me kiss anyone and dress up whenever I want. It might be a little rough the further the trend goes when some friend starts stealing my tv to get a fix, but that is a risk I’m willing to take.