Thursday, January 7, 2010

Enjoying the sights...

I went home for the holidays and got a chance to get around nature a bit. I traveled to the hills and the beaches and even got a chance to catch a small snowstorm. There's nothing better than capturing a moment on camera and remember the freedom and the refreshing feelings you felt while you were taking the picture.
Every time I explore near home, I realize that I am lucky to have grown up in such a beautiful place. I never cease to find something beautiful.
I know I'm not a photographer. I don't claim to be. I wish I had the talent to capture the world the way I see it. Sometimes the pictures turn out that way, but most the time, the picture seems more bland than what I see. I don't know if that means that I exaggerate beauty in my head or if it just isn't captured the moment that I take the picture. Either way, I get to remember the joy and openness of the moment.

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