Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Maybe I should explain myself. That will make things more awkward...

I’m going to start this off with an explanation. I talk a lot. I have a lot of ideas that float around in my head. I’m awkward. I have plenty of opinions and most of them are contradictions. I’m doing this anonymously for the sheer fact that I don’t need to tell everyone who I am. If my friends or family would happen to stumble on this site, they would know it’s me in a heartbeat. If I collected them in one room, they would probably be able to combine all the stories I have told them and make this themselves. It’s not that I’m shy or that I don’t share my thoughts or feelings, I just think that people don’t listen enough sometimes and I have a whole load of things to say. Nothing that I say is going to be profound. Nothing is going to be poetic. Just my day to day life encounters and thoughts spewed out onto this page. Take them or leave them.

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