Friday, January 20, 2012

Fun Friday Finds- Gotye and Johnny Russia

After a bit of a hiatus, I'm back. Well, sorta back. I'm just not that interested in writing too much these days. So at least my Fun Friday Finds are short and I can spew out some words for you. 

*Many of you know the song Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye. Good song. It was even better when it first came out and people weren't overplaying it. Let's also be honest and point out that Gotye can look kinda creepy.
There is a pretty sweet cover out there by Walk the Earth. By pretty sweet, I mean that there are 5 people playing the same guitar. Impressive. I also like some of their other covers, so look around on their You Tube channel for sure.

*I've been skiing a lot lately. Our first trip up to the mountain, we run in to a guy wearing a bit of an interesting look. We found out that he is the owner of the company that makes such a look. AND that they charge $98 dollars for such a look. You intrigued yet? Well you should be. Apparently Johnny Russia is an "up and coming" clothing line. Order quick before it sells out!

*Finally, on a follow up, you are probably wondering if that tumblr site is still showing us the same picture of Dave Coulier every day. Don't worry, it is.

Happy Friday!

Listening to Tegan and Sara

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