Friday, November 18, 2011

Fun Friday Finds!

I read a lot of blogs that do some sort of Friday wrap up or list of websites to visit or favorites from the week or something. I don’t always love what people post, but I enjoy the fact that they are just giving me a list of things that I should check out. My friends are always sending me videos and blogs and asking me if I’ve seen them already. It’s about 50/50 nowadays, but I used to be MUCH more well versed in the random crap out on the interwebs. Either way, here’s my list of awesomeness that I was checking out this week. I titled it Fun Friday Finds because I like alliteration, not necessarily because I found these all on a Friday, but maybe you will find these things on Friday, so then the title actually works... we'll see. Hope you enjoy!

*Full House Revisited: Yes, this blogger reviews each episode of Full House. It is awesome. I can’t decide if I love it because of the commentary (which is pretty spot on and hilarious) or if it is because I know all the details of the episodes being reviewed since I was a very committed Full House viewer.

*Marcel the Shell with Shoes On, Two. The much anticipated to Marcel the Shell with Shoes On officially came out this week. Guess why I smile a lot? Why? Uhhh, because it’s worth it.

*12 Things Happy People Do Differently. This is an interesting blog post. As I was reading it, I had my shields up. I was ready to find ways to apply what I’m doing to their ideas or to refute the ideas that I’m not doing. The further I read in to the post, the more I enjoyed it and was intrigued by it. The third point about avoiding over-thinking and social comparison was particularly poignant. I think everyone struggles with that, and it’s a great reminder that comparing ourselves to others can be poisonous. The blog got me thinking so much, it may even be a post that I create a response to… we’ll see.

*I email on a pretty regular basis with some grad school friends. Our conversations vary, covering topics from current events and weddings to donuts and bacon. Someone sent out this article about Pakistan telecoms blocking “obscene” texts. They event listed some of the words that would be blocked. I think my favorite word they are blocking is WuuTang, as in the Wu-Tang Clan. What is this, 2000? I can’t think of the last time that the Wu-Tang Clan has been relevant in society. How far behind is Pakistan?

*Last March, my aforementioned email buddies found the March Madness Bracket of Cake vs. Pie ( created by A very contentious discussion ensued as the battle waged on throughout the month. Well, in honor of Thanksgiving, we have found a Thanksgiving Sides Contest on the Huffington Post.  We’re anticipating a Stuffing v. Mashed Potatoes Championship Round. But you should certainly get over there to vote.

*And one last Thanksgiving link. This website has the recipe to combine the traditional Thanksgiving bird with the beloved bacon. Don’t ask why I’ve ventured to the Christian Science Monitor for a recipe. Just appreciate that in America, we can add bacon to anything. YUM!

Listening to Coconut Records.

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