Sunday, November 27, 2011

Super Sweet Sunday!

I forgot to do my Fun Friday Finds. I blame Thanksgiving and Black Friday and all that. Actually, I blame my couch and my desire to turn off technology for a couple days. Well, take whatever excuse you prefer. So instead of my Friday Finds, I’m going to provide you with Super Sweet Sunday!

(Yep, that's a super sweet Sundae... I'm so funny)

*I know it’s after Thanksgiving, but if you didn’t get a chance to see this, you have to take a look. It’s a pretty funny list of rules for the Thanksgiving family football game. I love rule #16: “No, you don't get to be "permanent QB." Not if you want anybody to like you. “ This definitely resonates with me. It never fails that I end up playing football with someone that wants to be permanent QB. It also never fails that everyone ends up hating him by the end of the game.

*I love this. End of story or explanation.

*Unsorted mail. This blog was actually discovered a couple years ago and has not been updated in about a year. That’s ok though because there are so many archives available that you will not regret going to this site. The premise: a short letter to someone about something. Totally vague, I know. The part that is the most ridiculous about this site is that after you spend your work day reading this whole website, you will speak in letter format for a couple days. True story.

*Awesome Breaking Dawn Movie Review. As my brother in law so eloquently pointed out as his reason why this movie review is incredible: “I’m a big fan of the phrase ‘I shit you not’”. Yes, that phrase among many other amazing pieces of feedback are in this blog. I did go see Breaking Dawn. I’ll admit it. I’m not a crazy over the top fan, but I’ve read the books and I want to see how they make it all work on the big screen. There were points in Breaking Dawn where I was laughing out loud. I know I have to suspend reality for these movies… I mean, it’s about a vampire, warewolf and a really stupid girl. I get it, but when the CGI wolves are having a conversation that makes The Transformers look realistic, I had to fight to not walk out of the theater…. And don’t get me started on the horrible acting. Read the review. You’ll want to see the movie for the laughs alone.
Listening to Brett Dennen.

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