Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Questions I had to answer

Wow. This has been a busy week and it's only Tuesday. I'll fill you in on the things I've been things I've been thinking... well correction... I was going to fill you in on a lot of the things I was thinking, but my roommate convinced me to go to Happy Hour tonight, so let's be real... I have only a couple things to say this evening and then I want to go to bed. Here goes...

When your roommate asks you to go to Happy Hour, think twice. I say that with all sincerity. I love the girl, but Happy Hour always turns in to Happy HourS. We start out having one lovely beverage at a location (Upslope's Pumpkin Ale in this occasion) and before you know it, we've had a couple beers and have moved on to another location in the city. Um, BFF Roommate, it's a Tuesday. I have an early meeting tomorrow. Peer pressure gets me every time.

I was filling out an application and came across a question thought caught me off guard. I rarely encounter something that I can't quickly find an answer to, so this was particularly frustrating to me. The question was asking me to name 3 things that have meaning in my life and why. I'm pretty lucky that the application isn't due until the end of this month so it gives me some time to really think about it.  Here's one option for an answer that I have so far.

Running- This is something that didn’t have meaning in my life for quite some time. I think that a lot of people would think this is a strange answer. I was never a runner. I was the kid in gym class that would rather walk the mile fitness test than run it. (And believe me, I did walk it, much to the chagrin of my gym teacher). It’s not that I wasn’t athletic, it’s just that I didn’t want to run from Point A to Point B unless there was a reason. I was a dancer, softball player, and swimmer. I was certainly fit enough to run. After college and grad school, I had gained a fair amount of weight. I was not as happy as I should have been and I knew I was missing something. I moved to Houston for my job and decided to give myself a challenge. I decided that I was going to run a marathon. This was clearly absurd since I had never run more than one mile. People kept asking me if I would rather start with a 5k or a 10k or something. I would politely decline. I’m stubborn to a point where once I say that I’m going to do something, I’ll do it, no matter how impossible it may seem. So I trained for months and learned so much. I learned how to balance my life, how to challenge myself, how to get past the negativity that everyone (including myself) would put out in the world about my idea. There were so many points along the journey that I knew no one would fault me for stopping, but I kept going. Long story short, I completed a marathon. It was amazing and life changing. Running is something that now has a place in my life that helps me reset my mind and gives me perspective. If I am facing a challenge, I know that I can overcome it, even if no one thinks I can. 

So that's the start of my answer. I think it came out a little too cheesy for my liking, so I'm sure I'll adapt it, but we'll see how it goes. Only one month to get the rest of that answer complete.

One of the great things about going to Happy HourS with my roommate is that we get a chance to catch up and get down to the bottom of things. We've been friends for 10 years, so there are very few (if any) things that we won't say to one another. Tonight was no different. We spent a lot of the evening MANalyzing as we tend to do. My roommate asked me what kind of crap I've been trying to pull in the past couple weeks. My answer about the "crap I'm trying to pull" is that I have no good answer. I'm a pretty level headed and smart person, and I know better. Sometimes I make poor choices because I like to live imagining how things could be without considering all the variables that I know already exist. I enjoy the experiences and unrealistically hope that things may change in my favor. Her response: "Stop it and move on". Noted.

Listening to: AWOLnation

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