Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Baby Showers, Public Restrooms, and Neil Young

So I've noticed that I tend to make lists of things that I feel the need to talk about. That's pretty much how I organize most of my life, so that makes sense. I may not be the most poetic when writing and I certainly don't have the most profound things to say, but that's cool. So things that have been on my mind lately...

1. Baby Showers. Question- This person is pregnant, I only talk with them once a year and live over 1000 miles away from them. Am I required to send them a baby shower gift? Would the answer change if said person was my step sister? Ugg. That's what I thought. So I received a baby shower invitation today for my step sister's shower. I am 100% certain that this invite was sent purely for the gift that I am now obligated to send. The event is 2 weeks away. I'm almost tempted to get a flight home just to attend and tell her that her present is my presence. I think that would be awesome. I would just show up and let her know that I spent so much on the plane ticket that I couldn't afford a gift for her or the new kiddo. Don't worry, I'm not horribly insensitive. I'll make sure to get the baby a gift for Christmas. It is the one time of year that I'll see it anyway...

2. Public Bathrooms. Yes, I know that this is a ridiculous thing to write about, but it's been driving me crazy lately. Every woman walks in to the restroom and goes in to the second stall. I don't know how things work in the men's room, but here's how things SHOULD work in the women's restroom. A women who is the first one in the bathroom should go to the first or third stall. Why you ask? Well in case someone comes in of course! As the second one walking in to the bathroom, you have to choose to either go in to a stall next to the selfish person that chose the second stall or walk all the way to the fourth stall... which is annoying. What's two more steps? Well, nothing really. But you know what would be better? Taking two less steps and going only to the third stall.

3. I was driving in to work this evening and Heart of Gold by Neil Young came on the radio. It's funny to think how music can invoke such big memories and feelings in a person. Growing up, I hated any music with a harmonica in it. It was the "horrible" music my mom would always play and it drove me crazy. I didn't want to think that my mom had any clue what good music was. Now that I look back at things, I am sure she has some great taste in music. Whenever I hear Heart of Gold, I get flashbacks of when I was a young child helping my mom clean the house. She would put the Neil Young record on and pull out the lemon pledge. I still can hear the crackling of the record before the song would begin. We'd dance around to the music on the burnt orange carpet and dust off all the antique furniture. After all the cleaning was done, I remember laying on the floor and soaking up the sun coming through the large window. I would look at the rainbows created by the sun shining through the prisms and daydream. Songs can transport you to a completely different time and place. Maybe that's why I love working with music so much....

Listening to Alexi Murdoch.

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