Sunday, October 30, 2011

Out of Sorts on a Sunday in the Fall

Sunday is my day to catch up on things. I get the chance to be lazy while still accomplishing much more than I accomplish throughout the whole week. Today was nothing different. I got a good workout in, had a great breakfast, got my car washed, went to the post office, found a dress to wear to a wedding this weekend, and got all my Halloween supply shopping complete. All of that took place before noon. I’m pretty much a rock star of productivity if I do say so myself. Well, after the morning. I proceed to have a lazy Sunday sitting around on the couch and watching some football. So much for having a productive day, but at least it started out well.

I’ve been feeling out of sorts lately. Out of sorts is a term that I coined with the assistance of a great high school friend. It means that you are not sure how you are feeling. You know that something’s not right, but that there’s nothing wrong either. It’s neither good nor bad, it just is. It could be that you are stuck in a rut or that you are totally out of whack because you haven’t been doing your usual routine. There is no cure to get “back in sorts”. It just happens. I usually deal with it by listening to music, working out, talking to people I haven’t been in touch with in a long time, immersing myself in work, dancing it out, or any number of other things. Since there is no known cure, it’s just something that you have to work through.

I decided I needed to get out of the house for a bit this evening. Definitely a good choice. One of my favorite things about living in Boulder is my proximity to so many great things. Whenever I need to clear my head, I throw on my headphones and go on a walk throughout the city. I usually end up at a local coffee shop or bar and spend a couple hours reading or writing. It gives me the chance to rejuvenate and find myself again. Wow… sounds deep. Something that struck me this evening on my walk was how amazing the city looked. The crisp fall air is starting to set in again, but it’s not too cold yet, so you can stroll around and really enjoy all the amazing things around you. The first thing I notice is the crescent moon over the Flat Irons. It is so bright that its light reflects off the snow stuck in the crevices of the rocks and provides definition to the mountainside. The moon is identical to the one on the South Carolina flag. It gives me flashbacks to the warm days in the South where we would sit out on the patio at Salty Nut drinking beers (with koozies obviously), eating peanuts and throwing the shells on the ground. I can hear the rambunctious sounds of college students walking up and down Five Points looking for the next adventure while we would shoot the breeze and talk about our dreams. It was such a strange juxtaposition to feel those memories while looking in to the shop windows on Pearl Street. Those memories seem so recent and tangible. I feel like I could head back there tonight and nothing would have changed, but I know that’s not the case at all. Everything has changed, as it is supposed to. Rather than continue thinking about it, I duck in to a bar to grab a beer and do some work so I don’t dwell on it.

Listening to: An Horse

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