Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Catching up or something along those lines...

Alright, well first things first- I haven't visited this place in awhile, but in the past week, I've had 4 people tell me that I should write. I agree with that, so that's why I'm back. This probably means that I'll be back for one or two posts and then move on. I feel like I need to wait to write some sort of epic post that people will find engaging and hilarious and awesome. That's a lot of pressure... especially since no one reads this.

Clearly I haven't written for awhile. I realized this because I got back here and it looks like all my pictures that were on previous posts have turned in to black boxes. The combination of me being technologically illiterate combined with my lack of desire to correct this situation means that my amazing pictures (yeah, if you didn't see them, you missed out) will no longer be on my earlier blogs. I'm pretty sure that won't change my lack of readership, so I'm not too worried. 

So moving on.

Things on my mind today:
1. I can't wait for the weekend. This has been a super long week and I'm over it. Do I have amazing plans for the weekend? No. It will probably involve good food, good beer and some college football. Sounds simple yet amazing. Why am I single again? I'm pretty sure I should be every man's dream...

2. Ski season is around the corner. A-Basin opens tomorrow. Yes, it's October. Am I stoked? You bet. Am I saving my vacation days so I can hit the slopes all winter? Without a doubt. 

3. If I'm writing on this blog with the title of Awkward Encounters, I should probably talk about another one of my awkward encounters. Ugh. I'll get back on this soon... I feel like I've had so many that I don't even know where to begin. 

4. Pinterest. So the website is super addictive. I look around at all the great ideas for food and fashion and think how I will take those ideas and use them. I'll be the adorable/hip girl that makes awesome food and has an amazingly decorated house. Totally realistic right? Then I wake up the next morning, eat my cheerios and look in the mirror and try to figure out where I went wrong. I'm pretty sure the website was set up by people that are trying to make the average person feel inadequate. Well Pinterest, it's working. You know what would be better? If you sent a personal shopper, chef and decorator to my house. That would save me some shame.

What I'm listening to now: The Black Keys

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